Friday 29 April 2011

How I met your mother

372 Anon2011/01/19() 19:32:28
When I was sniffing the school swimwear of the cutest girl in my class, that girl unfortunately showed up.
“You’re such a pervert! I’ll give you 10 times of whipping as a punishment!!” said that girl, and whipped me by the skipping rope.

The following day, she was taking class as if nothing had happened and my teacher didn’t tell me off for what I did but...
I got a letter from her that says “Come to the behind of the school building after class.”
When I went there, she was waiting for me with the skipping rope in her hand.
Continuing on the things like that for years during high school, university, workplace...

“I don’t wanna work anymore! I’ll be a housewife!!” said her, and we married after all.
I had her virgin but then she was like “hey... more....gentle....” which made me more keen on her.

I can’t tell my children how I met their mother.....