Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Thread: The shape of UK looks like a girl being bothered about her own breast size

368 Anon (神奈川県)2011/09/18() 18:11:51.12 ID:RWfXEPS40
Don’t you think UK looks like a girl who has a complex about her breast size?

580 Anon (茨城県)2011/09/18() 19:00:37.42 ID:Wc0fKPwS0
Do you mean something like this?

596 Anon (福岡県)2011/09/18() 19:04:05.74 ID:OKwS/gU20
At least I understand how passionate you’re about Manchester

600 Anon (千葉県)2011/09/18() 19:05:22.87 ID:V21R9fKA0
Manchester lmao 

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