Sunday 20 February 2011


450 Anon : 2010/12/14(Tue) 12:47:17 ID:zWsi7HV70
Women’s intuition that finds husbands’ cheating is extraordinary.
They probablly have something guys don’t have.

464 Anon : 2010/12/14(Tue) 12:52:48 ID:YLH7VQVtO
I heard the story about the wife who had found out the affair of her husband only because of the rhythms of his way to walk from the front door to the living room.

468 Anon : 2010/12/14(Tue) 12:57:05 ID:qDYf++AR0
Not to be noticed my affair from the slight difference in my behaviour,
I always act as suspiciously as possible even when I’m not cheating on my wife like this.

1. No matter how free I am, I ignore the first call from her
2. Going missing from time to time
3. Don’t let her see texts in my mobile phone although there's nothing I can't show
4. Always take care of my nails like a pornster
5. Even when I go to a nearby shop to get snacks, I put perfume on my body

Because of them, she asked me to divorce.