Monday 14 February 2011


1 Name1 : 2005/11/25(Fri) 00:15:13 hU9mnop30
I have someone whom I’m seriously falling for.
But I just can’t confess my feeling to him because of body odour.
Do you guys think I’m thinking about it a bit too much?

12 Anonymous : 2005/11/25(Fri) 00:19:21 LimwGyiE0
I know how you're exactly feeling because I have pretty strong body odour too.
It must be tough for both of us... all my classmates treat me like some sort of germ.
I almost thought about giving up love and things like that...
But I've heard it can be cured by surgery these day, so let’s cheer ourselves up!!

15 Name1 : 2005/11/25(Fri) 00:22:17 hU9mnop30
He is the one having bad body odour, not me.

16 Anonymous : 2005/11/25(Fri) 00:23:49 oiK1KmFj0
From here on, this thread is to console >>12