Saturday 15 January 2011

Women's life

Women’s life can be described as a ball in the sports.
At the age of 18, women are a soccer ball.
22 men chase for her.
At the age of 28, women are a puck for the hockey.
8 men chase after her.
At the age of 38, women are a ball of ping-pong.
2 men push her to each other.
At the age of 48, women are a golf ball.
A man trudges after her.
At the age of 58, women are a ball for dodge ball.
Everybody tries to avoid her.
At the age of 90, women are a ball of bowling.
Everyone quietly sees off her and get now glad, now sad at the left score.

(This might originally come from non-Japanese quote as the Japanese post looked like the translation from other language...)