Sunday 3 April 2011

Kind boy

331 : Anon :2007/06/13(Wed) 20:17:10 0
Around 5 year old boy and his parents came to a village where only one train runs per hour.
Because of the timetable trouble, the train stopped there for about 3 minutes.
The father left his wife and the child on the train, and started taking photos at the platform.
Then the child started crying and said “Daddy will be left there!” as he thought the train would depart soon.
No matter what the mother said to calm him down, he didn’t stop crying.
“Daddy! Get on the train now! No, don’t stay there alone! Daddy!!”
People in the train were looking at the boy, talking about him like “he’s such a gentle kid”
It was such a heart-warming scene.

The father was left behind in the platform.