Monday 9 May 2011

Thread: Replacing the word “Car” with “Undies” makes the world peaceful

1 Anon: 2010/10/25() 16:49:31.37 ID:Hj9eN/2J0
You know, when it comes to undies, white is the best colour

16 Anon: 2010/10/25() 16:52:38.93 ID:hINy8H2WP
I’ll buy your undies

40 Anon: 2010/10/25() 16:54:40.48 ID:D4thRCRY0
Hybrid undies

61 Anon: 2010/10/25() 16:57:25.80 ID:vkF8XksRO
Second hand undies market

177 Anon: 2010/10/25() 18:00:21.04 ID:5yVvuMitO
Thief “Prepare the undies to run away!!”