Monday 5 December 2011


775 Anon2006/08/14() 06:24:11 ID:f0qmjSE3
Here’s the question

1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 11, *, 18

What number goes into *?

778 Anon2006/08/14() 06:34:32 ID:SwpJ9/kS
I dunno
What’s the answer?

779 Anon2006/08/14() 06:37:50 ID:f0qmjSE3
The answer is 15.
They are the numbers that came up in my mind and placed in order.

780 Anon2006/08/14() 06:39:53 ID:SwpJ9/kS
A bit funny but fuck you!