Friday 24 June 2011

Gorgeous wank

13 VIP2009/05/13() 11:54:47.71 ID:tMufXkkb0
One autumn day in the final year of my high school, my parents and sister went to relative’s place and I was left alone at home.
I thought I would have the most gorgeous wank I could imagine.

In the first place, I played my favourite porn on the big TV in the living room.
Took my sister’s panties from the washing machine, took all my clothes off, wore sister’s panties on the head, and wanked while standing still.
It was amazingly exciting to masturbate at home where nobody was around in the middle of the day.
Getting more and more excited, I shouted like “Waaaaao great!! Yeaaaaaahh!!! Great!!!!”, jumped around the room and wanked while playing the air guitar.
I jumped up on the table, looking at myself in the mirror nearby, pausing like JoJo and wanking.
The greatest pleasure made me forget to wipe sweat and saliva.
“Here I coooooome!! Boraboraboraboraboraborareviiiiia!!!”
I looked back to splash cum in the rubbish bin.  

My parents and sister were standing there, having vague expression on their face that was neither anger nor sadness...
“W-What a hell are you guys doing here!?”I shouted at them.
Now, thinking back then, the ones who wanted to shout “What a hell” was probably rather them.
At that moment, I was the most unfortunate guy on this planet, year for sure.

Everyday was so tough for me over the several months following that day. My family had been looking at me like some kind of filth or a retard.
But I’m still alive here.
If some of you guys are now in a big trouble, wanting to kill yourselves, please keep one thing in your mind.
We, humans are much stronger than you think.
We will be able to get over any difficulties we encounter.