Friday 10 June 2011

Thanks for your advice

590  5782006/04/27() 23:46:16 ID:R35/mOOR
Thank you so much for your advices!
Realising how close-minded I was,  my cock came out
But now I can positively think about things around me thanks to your help.
Also I noticed that the person who imitated my work was one of those who read my book,
So I thought I should’ve been more confident cos my work was copied due to its uniqueness.

I could finally beat the writer’s block and submitted the new book just now.
This new one is the story I’ve been drawing up for several months.
I’m more than happy if you guys read my work again.
I’ll take a rest tonight.
I feel like I can have a good sleep for the first time in the past several months.

591  Anon2006/04/28() 00:25:22 ID:xqHCv2EQ
I wonder if >>590 already went to bed.
In his second line, something shocking came out but hope he put it back in his pants.
I don’t mind him sleeping while it’s outside the pants as long as he’s sleeping well tho.