Wednesday 10 August 2011

One flaw

184 Anon2011/04/03() 15:39:51.12 ID:h0pQ7fnc0
Girls prefer guys with some flaw over perfect guys.
For example, Toyohisa, who is manly, outgoing, honest but a bit clumsy, turns many girls on!
Girls would say “Toyohisa looks a bit scary but he’s somehow cute!”

189 Anon [sage]2011/04/03() 19:41:24.09 ID:+Tq+CXyX0
I’m reasonably good-looking with decent income, my hobbies are snow-boarding and mountain bikes, am always in neat cloths, and have variety of topics that don’t bore girls but no-one has ever come to me.
Of course I let my guard down by saying “I love 10-14 year olds with glasses, they really are hot!”
What’s wrong with this? Girls are damn difficult!