Sunday 31 July 2011

Kinky taste

67 Anon 2009/12/01(Tue) 00:09:18 ID:pbUH0BA40
I have one thing I would like to ask the men here...
My husband is obsessed with going to mixed-sex public bathing places and he often takes me to such places.
If this was all, I wouldn’t complain, but lately he doesn’t allow me to hide my crotch with a towel.
Especially when there are men there, he forces me to walk and bend down in front of them without a towel.
He says “This is all for the pleasure of our night activity. It makes me feel horny when you, my woman being naked is stared at by some strangers.”
And if I refuse doing so, he gets sulky like a child...(To be honest, it's a bit annoying)
It’s really embarrassing that I’m looked at by some strangers so I want him to stop but...(ToT)
How do you all think of this sort of sexual fetish?

68 Anon 2009/12/01(Tue) 00:55:42 ID:1dsH3fk90
By the way, we both have retired from the job so we have got a plenty of time.

69 Anon 2009/12/01(Tue) 01:07:27 ID:pbUH0BA40
Jesus, your >>68 post ruined my excitement