Friday 29 July 2011

Shaven heads

819 なごむ :2011/02/04() 17:38:24 ID:tFfOjKTVO
This happened when my brother was still a secondary school student.
One day he got shaved his hair at the barber’s shop after school.
I asked him if he failed in love with a girl, but he answered that it was because the girl who went to the same elementary school as him would go back to school tomorrow.
He said she had been hospitalised and all her hair was fell out due to the side effect of the medicine for her treatment.
“If she was the only one having a shaven head, she might feel embarrassed. But if there is another shaven person, she probably would not.” said my brother.

The following day, he told me “There were so many classmates who thought like me...” soon after he came back home.
According to him, from honour students to even the problem student, most of the boys in his class had a shaven head or something close to it. On top of that, some girls who were close to that hospitalised girl had a very short hair style, and one of them completely shaved her hair.
Even the home class teacher had a shaved head.
In the class room where there were so many shaven heads, that hospitalised girl laughed and cried a lot while saying “Thank you, thank you!”
This story made my heart warm.

By the way that girl is now fully recovered. My brother seems to have got liked that shaved head since then, so his head is still shaven.