Friday 4 November 2011

Last homework

837 Anon 04/11/05 21:57:17 ID:7ZRzBvsY
This is my friend’s story.
My friend was a kind of punk.
He always skipped class to hang out with his mates.
Most of the teachers at his high school gave up on him, but his homeroom teacher was different.
Seems like he was a strong man who tackled everything with all his effort.
He encouraged my friend who then faced a problem to go up to the next year.
Of course my friend often turned against that teacher but he never gave up on him.
My friend got a job offer from a construction company after high school probably because of his effort and that teacher's.

And last October, my friend had a strange dream.
In the dream, he was in the classroom of his high school with some students.
At the front of the classroom, there was that teacher standing with smile on his face.
He wrote ‘Self-study’ on the blackboard and said
“From tomorrow, you guys will have holidays but I’ll give you some homework!”
My friend booed but the teacher smiled at him and said
“This is the last homework from me. Enjoy your life.”
My friend said he felt weird when he woke up.

And that day, around noon, he was notified of the death of that teacher.
He didn’t tell me the cause of his death but he said it was sudden.
A few days ago, when we were drinking he told me this story, saying “today was the anniversary of his death.”
He was crying although he’s usually sort of a strong guy, which made me believe that he was steadily working on the last homework from his homeroom teacher.