Thursday 24 November 2011

Magical experiment in the kitchen

508 Anon2005/05/07() 22:20:07 ID:kQ5JDJRn
I often play a witch in the kitchen at night.
I pour coloured water made of my daughter’s paints into the flask bought from the nearby general shop.
I mix different colours and put dry ice in.
My main task is to pour white water into dark coloured one, and purify the cursed medicine.
Wishing coloured steam puffed out of the flask, I quietly mix coloured water.
When my husband leaves some soda water for his drink, I pour it as well for my magical experiment.
The bubbles are threw up from the bottom, and I feel like I did a bit of mistakes for my magic.

But my daughter (8 years old) found out about it.
So I can’t use spells anymore.