Monday 28 November 2011

Visually imparied man

153 Anon2011/02/23() 17:44:25.84 ID:3ZibOJ2n
Several years ago, there was a visually impaired man wandering in front of a laundry shop.
There was a notice of “Temporary closed” on the door of the shop.
I said “Looks like the shop is not open today”
And I thought about leaving there but there were lots of cars parked on the side way
So I offered him to take him to the place where there were not many cars.

Then he said “Then I have somewhere I need to go, so could you please take me there?”
It was a supermarket only 5min away from there so I said yes.
When we got to the supermarket, he said “Could you help me shop here?”
I didn’t have much to do that day so I decided to help him out.
“Please choose some sweets at around $10 for the gift for my friend” said him.
Thinking about the price and explaining what these sweets were, we shopped together.
After paying at the cashier, he handed the plastic bag with the sweets to me.
“Thank you so much. This is a gift for you.” said him.

“It was my first time to be talked and helped like this around here.”
He smilingly said so and left the supermarket.

I reckon he was happy then but also it was my first time to be given such a heart-warming gift.