Tuesday 11 October 2011

Cat and tablets

684 Anon2007/07/29() 00:53:15
In the beginning of May this year.
My boss was grumpy and he was taking his frustration out on me.
One day he told me off for something uncontrollable to me, called me useless and complained about my disability, which made me hate everything in the world.
I had depression so I had got a plenty of pills.
I was so disappointed at everything around me so I brought all the tablets at home and opened them up on the table to kill myself. While taking the tablets out of the tablet sheet, my cat came to my room as she likes playing with that sheet.
She usually plays soccer with it, but at that time she slapped my cheek and hands, scattered the tablets on the table, and screamed so loud.
I was stunned then but my parents came to my room hearing her scream.
After all I was scolded by my family and doctor and my suicide plan failed.
But eventually the boss of my boss got to know my mental state, and he was bitterly interrogated at the manager meeting.
Since then, every night my cat comes to my room before I go to bed, and stares at me right next to me as if she is making sure that I take the right amount of tablets.
I’m such a bad owner but thank you so much for being with me!